Java Assignment 1st

R.C. Institute of Technology

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)


 Assignment: Java Programming (BCA-206)                                                           Date: 19Feb, 2013

Purpose: This assignment will help students to understand the –

·         Use of Object Oriented Features

·         Different types of operators in java

·         Use of super & final keyword

·         Use of this keyword

·         Packages and Interfaces

·         Use of nested classes

Short Questions :

Q1. Difference between

 (a)>> And >>>

 (b) x++ and ++x

Q2. Why java is platform independent language?

Q3. What is the use of this keyword?

Q4. Why do we need nested classes?

Q5. How one class of object can be initialized by another?

Long Questions:

Q1. Explain different types of operators in java?

Q2. What are constructors? How are they different from member functions? Explain constructor overloading?

Q3. Explain 3 different uses of final keyword.

Q4. Explain 2 different uses of super keyword.

Q5. What is run time polymorphism? How it can be implemented in java?

Q6. What are Packages? What are its advantages? How Package can be import?

Q7. Why java does not support multiple inheritance? How multiple inheritance can be implemented indirectly?



Compiled By:

Deepika Jaggi

(Assistant Professor)

(Faculty of BCA)


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